So Sorry I Neglected to Post! I have been busy with work...sort of. I just haven't posted mostly cause I have been working...or trying to hah. Plus, my lack of funds have kept me out of the malls...well I still go at least once a week or so. However, I haven't really been buying much cause I still have Christmas bills to pay. Amazing how much I bought for my family this year, and I didn't even realize it until the bill came. I was surprised to say the least. I think in this post I'll review some things I got for Christmas that I am loving. I also have some other things I wanna talk about as well.

First, I want to mention my new Uggs that I got. My mom picked them out all by herself...I must add!~They're so warm since they're the higher boots and comfortable...(I'm sure you know this if you have Uggs). Mine are a size up from what I normally wear. When I was getting my last pair, the guy in the store had told me to get a size smaller because they stretch, but it seemed like my toes were too close to the end. So...just suggesting getting the bigger size..or try on the bigger size at least before deciding!

I really like these because they can match with brown/tan colors and also can go with black...Although I mostly wear them with brown/tan.
I was looking on the Nordstrom website, and found a cute sweater in their BP/Junior department. I really like the color, as you might have noticed I've been picking shirts with that color out alot!~This shirt is good for going out and dressing it up with a long necklace and black leggings as it shows in the picture. It's $36.oo which is a pretty good price! It also comes in black, which I tend to have way too much of in my closet!~

Mac Makeup:
I recently got a new eyeshadow that I am loving. It's called Nylon and is a frost so it gives that bright look. It's a beige color and has a sort of sparkle to it, although it doesn't have sparkles in it. It just kind of catches the light as frosts sort of do. I also love Pink frost, Vex and Naked Lunch.
I also love the lipglass Morning Glory (which is my favorite) it's a purpleish gloss w/ sparkles in it. I will try to do a post with pictures so you can actually tell what I'm talking about. But you can always ask to see it at a Mac counter!~I also have Viva Glam which I like because it really stays on long and is a darker brown color.
In my never ending search for shoes...I can never find the right pair that isn't too high, as I'm about 5'7 I don't want shoes that make me too tall. Call it a complex, but I think most taller girls don't want to be about 6 feet tall. I'll only wear shoes that have about a two inch heel or so. So I found these on the nordstrom website and thought they were so cute. They have a 1 3/4 inch heel, which meets my acceptable height standards! They also come in brown leather and are $179, which for boots isn't bad. Nordstrom is great because they have shoes in all price ranges and you can get them for much cheaper than this! But I really like these because you can wear skinny jeans with these and they have the little design on the back.
That's all for now, I will try and update more often...after my shopping trip this week! Happy shopping! :)