Bling Signature Hoodie
They also have matching sweats!
Mac Makeup:

The other thing I really am loving is the eyeshadow set that I just got. They have 4 different sets. Cool, Warm, Smoky, and Metallic. I ended up with the Warm set, because the tones were different from those I had at home. I liked the color Sunday Best, which was ivory and also a frost. In case you didn't know, mac's eyeshadow have different textures (finishes as they call it). Frost which is my favorite is kind of shimmery. Like it will catch the light in a certain way and shine....or as the website says it "adds a highlight" to the base eyeshadow color. There are many more, and the website explains them probably better than I could. Just click on eyeshadow and then finishes.
Check out the website for Mac Holiday sets!
Mascara: Favorites: More expensive vs. less expensive.
I also just bought Plush Lash Mascara and it works so well. It really makes your lashes thick just like it says. It's $11.00 which isn't bad at all. I also found that it doesn't clump or doesn't get on your face while putting it on. So all in all, I'm loving this mascara!
Favorite Drugstore Mascara:
Maybelline Mascara Volume Express.
This mascara really worked well with volumizing my lashes. It didn't clump or streak off while putting on. I hate that since I always do my eyes after I put on my face makeup....One false move and you can inadvertingly have all black lash marks under your eyes. So this mascara really did not do that! I also like to get mascara in waterproof when I can, cause you never know! My eyes tend to water alot and with waterproof you don't have to worry! This mascara is sold at most stores...CVS, Harmon, Walmart, Target. It ranges probably from $5-6.00 depending on what stores you have in the area.
TV SHOWS! Tonight's tv shows:
The Bachelor Season Finale's tonight!
I usually always watch the bachelor and always end up getting really addicted to it!~Tonight, the bachelor aka Brad Womack will choose between
Jenni (Phoenix Suns Dancer) or
Deanna (Realtor from Georgia). Who will he choose? I never, ever can predict who will be chosen. Every season I always try to pick, but I'm never right. I think the show edits it to look as though he likes one better, and then he always picks the other. Any thoughts on who will be chosen?

Jon & Kate Plus 8: 8:30pm on TLC. Also on during the day.
Meet Jon and Kate Gosselin who have eight children. Twin 6 year old girls, Mady and Cara.
They also have sextuples (six three year olds) three girls and three boys. The show chronicles their daily life which is quite amazing and adventurous with that many children running around the house. My mom and I watch it all the time and have fallen in love with the family! The children are so cute and its amazing Jon and Kate have that many hours in the day to do it all! I give them madd props! But definately check the show out!
Samantha Who? ABC 9:30pm.
Love the show! Christina Applegate is great in it, playing the part of Samantha Newly who has just woken up and now has amnesia. The show's really funny as she finds out that her old self was less than nice. I love her old boyfriend, Todd, (played by Barry Watson) who was on What About Brain, which was sadly canceled last year.
So check out those shows! That was just my latest insight in the world of shopping, makeup and tv. Have a great day everyone!
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