Thursday, October 1, 2009
September Favorites
September Favorites:
Some products that I've been using in September and loving! Some are no surprise because I blog about them all the time! But I have been using some new products as well!
1) Opi Nail by Sephora Polish in Domestic Goddess. It's a really pretty purple color and it's my favorite nail polish right now!
2) Seche Vite Fast Drying Top Coat: This top coat makes my nails dry in like 3-5 minutes, which is so much quicker than just letting nails dry on their own. You can get this at a beauty supply store or look at Sephora!
3) Mac Quads: $ 3.50
I've been loving Mac Quad. I just recently bought an empty palette/quad to put my pan eyeshadows in. This way, I can choose 4 colors that go together and bring them when I travel. The quad is so small that it fits right into my travel makeup bag and goes right into my purse!
4) Mac Eyeshadows:
Amber Lights. Love this color! It's such a pretty bright bronzy color that is great for the crease. It looks great with nylon, pinks, or any brown color.
Sable: This color is a really pretty brown frost color that looks great in the outer corner or in the crease. This is a more neutral color that goes great with Amber Lights, pinks or darker colors.
All That Glitters: I bought this eyeshadow a while ago and haven't really been wearing it that much. I recently have been wearing it everyday all over the lid with Sable in the outer corner and Amber Lights in the crease. It looks so pretty as an all over lid color. You do need some kind of base with this though. I normally use a Mac Paint Pot in Soft Ochre, or an NYX pencil will work fine as well. (Rubinesque Paint Pot by Mac is on my wish list!)
5) NYX Eyeshadow Pencils:
You can get these at Ulta Stores, beauty supply stores or online. These pencils are great as a base for your eyeshadow because they bring out the color of your eyeshadows. They have all different colors that you can choose from. Also, they're only about $3.00!
6) Mac Mineralize Skinfinish Natural:
I love this powder so much! I have been using it everyday since I've gotten it this summer. I know I've blogged about it alot, but it really is such a great product. It leaves the skin looking so nice after being applied!
7) Copolla's Vanilla Deep Conditioning Treatment
This conditioner I've been using for about two weeks now and I'm liking it alot. It's a deep conditioning treatment that I leave on my hair after shampooing, for about 5 minutes. It leaves my hair really soft and it smells just like Vanilla! Love it!
8) Yankee Candle in Vanilla Frosting
I love candles! This candle smells sooo good and you can smell the scent like immediately after you light it.
9) Revlon Color Stay Eyeliner in black.
I've been using many different eyeliners for the past few months. However, I think this eyeliner is a great main stay as far as an everyday liner. I use it mostly for my waterline since it claims to be long lasting. I find that it does stay for long amounts of time and I don't have to reapply it to my water line.
They also have a liquid liner pen that works great as well!
10) And lastly...Express Jeans: Zelda Skinny Jeans Cuffed Leg
I'm loving these Jeans so much! They're really cute and also very comfortable!
So that's about it for my September Favorites.
What are some of your favorite products of September?
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Mac Upstarts/New Eyeshadow Recommendations
The Nightsky eyeliner is the reason I bought this kit because it was limited edition and came back only with this collection. It's a black with sparkle built in. It's very similar to Mac's Pearglide Eyeliner in Black Russian. Nightsky was my favorite eyeliner so I'm very excited to have it back!
This kit comes with a sample size of the Eye Makeup Remover. Mac's larger bottle costs $18.00. This works amazingly! I am loving this product so much! This remover works so well and you only need a small amount! I just put a small amount on a tissue and wipe it over my eyes and all my eye makeup comes right off! I will definately re-purchase!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Review/Pictures of Mac Blush, Paint Pot, Studio Sculpt.
Mac Lipstick in Hue
I swatched Hue and then put Baby Sparks on top of it. The two look really pretty together! You can also adapt this look to whatever lipstick and lipgloss you have if they are similar colors. You can use any drugstore lip product and pair lipstick with a lipgloss for a brighter, more exciting look! Next time you're in the drugstore and want to try this look, find a lipstick and then choose a lipgloss that is a similar color to go over it!
I hope you enjoyed these reviews!
Next up:
Mac Upstarts Kit Review
Blue/Green Eyeshadow look.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Mac Necessities!
I ended up with:
Mac Studio Sculpt Concealer in NW20....
I wasn't sure if this was the right shade but I got color matched and the girl thought this would look best. She had said the lighter NW 15 would highlight the under eye circles more than cover them. So I decided to follow her advice and got this concealer. I tried it on using my SS194 concealer brush and I really like it. It's kind of a wipped consistancy that can be blended in easily. I'll do an actual review as I use it more.
Mac Paintpot in Soft Ochre.
I wanted to get an eye primer to make my eyeshadow stay on longer and look brighter. I went with this color because it was just light and wouldn't show through my shadows. She said this one would go best with Nylon since that is my go to color for the lid!
I almost got Bare Study which is a lighter paint pot color and it had a little shimmer, so I decided to go with the more matte Soft Ochre.
Mac Blush in Well Dressed.
I needed to get a matte blush color that is more for an everyday look. The Mineralize blush I had in Gentle is very shimmery which for fall I felt like I wanted a darker color more for everyday. This blush is a light pink with a slight shimmer. I will post swatches later on.
So if you are looking to build a makeup collection, a concealer, eye primer and blush are great staples that you will get a lot of use out of. Also, I think that these will last a long time because you aren't using much concealer or primer each day you do your makeup.
That was my mini haul from Mac. I also ordered online a kit from the Upstarts Collection. They have kits put together of varying face primers, lash primer, mascara, and various other exciting products. They are great because they are a bargain if you were trying to buy the products separately.
I got the Lined & Lashed kit with Nightsky eyeliner (my ultimate favorite that is limited edition and is only sold in this kit right now), Eye Makeup Remover, Zoom Lash Mascara and Prep + Prime Lash. They also have two other kits that you might want to check out.
So that's about it, I will be posting pictures of all of these products later on. Happy shopping!
Makeup is love!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
I love, love this powder! I really can't say enough about it as I have been saying alot about this powder! I've been using it for a while...probably about a month and I just think it's an amazing powder. It has great coverage and leaves such a nice finish on the face. It may be a little on the expensive side, but if you are looking for a great quality powder then here it is! My shade is medium, but I would ask the MA to help match your shade at the counter.
When I started out my monthly favorites, I didn't think I'd have this many brushes in my favs! However, I've been loving these brushes this month because of the way they help me to apply makeup to my face.
Favorite # 6
Mac Politely Pink Lipstick
Favorite # 8
This eyeshadow I've been wearing for about 5 years or so. I absolutely love this color! Nylon is a great all over the lid color that can be worn with just about any color in the crease. It really brightens up my eyes and I love wearing it in the inner corner/tear duct area. I think this color is a great color for someone just starting out with Mac and would be great in any one's collection.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
New GHD Flat Iron!
I had been looking online and had seen TiffanyD's review of her GHD flat iron. I decided I would order one online, but just so happened to find on in a salon today. I got the GHD IV Styler. They have many different stylers to choose from that are slightly different.
I just used it and it truley is amazing! It got my hair sooo straight and I only went over it once! My other flat iron would have me going over the same piece a few times. But this flat iron is the best ever! I'm soo happy with it! I will post pics later on! I just wanted to update.
This flat iron is kind of an investment which I'm hoping will not break...ever!
Check out the website:
GHD Website
Tiffany D's review on GHD.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
New Mac Palette & Sigma Brushes News!
Above is a picture of my brushes in the brush holder that I just recently assembled. I will post more on this later on!
Today was an exciting day despite the fact that I have a cold and don't feel well. I treated myself to something fun and even got my mom something too! The reason for my fun purchase was sparked by the following: So I woke up this morning and began to do my makeup. I've been using the Mac SE190 brush to put on my liquid foundation which has been working great! After that I use the MacSE 187 brush to blend the foundation. This has been working very well to blend the foundation however this brush is not in good condition at all. It's too bad to even take a picture of because I have not taken good care of it! Also, it sheds terribly because it's soo destroyed leaving me to pick little black brush hairs off of my face. So terrible!
I decided after this that I needed a new 187 brush. That is when I also decided I needed a new travel type brush that I could put in my makeup bag to take with me on a daily basis. I ended up going on the Sigma website to buy some more brushes because I'm VERY happy with the Brush Roll Kit that I just recently purchased. I find their brushes to be amazing! So in researching on their website, I decided to get the Face and Eye Kit because:
1) The 187 & 182 Kabuki together were $35 with shipping.
2) If I bought the Face and Eye Kit it gives you the 150 (large powder brush), 187, 239, 224 (amazing crease brush), 219, and 182 kabuki. They are also running specials right now and are giving a travel sized 217 (crease brush) away for free! So all in all, I decided that this kit for $49 plus shipping was a very good deal. I decided to give my mom the extra brushes that came in this kit...since I already have the ones that came with the Brush Roll Kit that I ordered a few weeks ago. So alas...I am now very excited and waiting for my brushes to arrive!
Definitely check out Sigma Brushes at their website:

Colors: Da Bling, Stars N' Rockets, Smoke & Diamonds
I will soon be posting the rest of items from this past weekend's Mac Haul.
Have a great evening everyone!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Tag: Products I'm Using Rite Now!
Products I'm Using Rite Now:
Shampoo: Keratin Shampoo for dry/damaged hair...Love this Shampoo! It has protein and lipids to help restore moisture due to my bleaching and flat ironing! It is really helping.
Conditioner: Keratin Treatment for dry/damaged hair. This is a really good conditioner with the same complex that makes your hair soo soft and smooth.
Sebastian Restorative Protein: Conditioning treatment that seals your hair w/ protein. I love this and it really makes my hair extra soft and moisturized. I would definitely recommend this!
Sebastion Potion Number 9 Leave in Conditioner: This leave in conditioner is amazing! It makes your hair so soft and works great when hair is blown out/flat ironed.
Face wash: Oil of Olay face wash. Love this face wash!
Styling products: Chi Silk Infusion. Tames frizzy hair and makes it smooth.
S Factor Flat Iron Heat Protector Spray: I love this product! It works sooo well to protect the hair from the heat.
Aussie Hair Spray
Deodorant: Arrid Powder Scent..
Primer: I'm using L'oreal Decrease for eyes...I like it but it seems a little thick. I want to check out Two Faced Shadow Insurance.
Foundation brush: Mac 190 SE...I think that's the name of it. It's just like the Sigma 190, but only smaller and I got it in last year's holiday set. I use it for my liquid foundation and it works really well.
Powder: Sigma SS190 for under my eyes. SS150 to apply Mineralize Skin Finish Natural.
I love the 150 brush it's soo soft and works so well to blend and apply powder.
Blusher: Mac Mineralize Blush in Gentle. Really pretty blush color...You can scroll down to see my review of this blush. I use the SS187 to stipple this on my cheeks and blend it out w/ my 150.
Bronzer: Mac Bronzing Powder in Refined Golden...I think that's the shade...I bought it a few months ago but it's a really pretty shade which is great for making my face not as pale!
Highlighter: Physicians Formula Shimmer Strips, Custom Bronzer, Blush and Eyeshadow. It has many colors in this bronzer and when bought it I didn't realize it could be eyeshadow as well. But it works really well to brighten up the face.
Eyeshadow: I'm loving Mac eyeshadows and trying to build my collection. I will do a post on my favorite Mac eyeshadows as of now. Some I love and wear everyday no matter what my eye look is: Nylon (very bright color that works great as a highlight, and on the tear duct or inner corner, Phloof (also great highlight color), Satin Toupe (great crease color and outer v).
Eyeliner: This can vary on a daily basis. My favorite eyeliner is Covergirl Perfect Point Eye pencil. It's self sharpening and works great. I used this kind of eyeliner when I first started with eyeliner many many years ago! Mac Pearlglide Liner in Black Russian and Molasses.
Mascara: MAC Plush Lash. Bare Essentials Buxom Mascara. Love this mascara. If you want to see pictures and review just scroll down!
Lipstick: Mac Colour Crafted, Hue, and Politely Pink.
Lipgloss: Mac Dazzleglass in Via Veneto, Lustreglass in Morning Glory.
So that's about it! Feel free to comment and let me know of any great products that you love and think I should check out!
Upcoming Posts:
Brush Reviews
Latest Mac Haul w/ eyeshadow pallet, Mac 226 brush (I am loving by the way!)
Also, follow me on twitter! Diva0583!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Mac Favorites
Monday, August 17, 2009
Mac Haul!

Saturday, August 15, 2009
New Brushes! Express Jeans and Boots
I went shopping again today...but actually didn't end up getting anything because I was helping my brother. But I did try on some jeans at Express that I really liked. They got a lot of fall jeans in that are dark blue which I really like. These jeans can all be worn to dress up a shirt or for going out at night. Here's some items that I found while I was at the store:

$49.50. I think these were the jeans that I had tried on. They were very comfortable because they had stretch in them. I really want to go back and get them!

$69.50. Express has so many pairs of and different kind of skinny jeans that it can be overwhelming! But there are so many different skinny jeans that you will definitely be able to find just the right pair for you! If you are looking for skinny jeans these are a good pair because you can wear them for a day look with flats or a night time look with heels as shown above.
The rouched look is a cute look because it gives the jeans something extra that makes them very cute. They also have regular skinny jeans that you can pair with high boots. These jeans may not lay flat enough with the rouched pattern.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Mac Mini Haul
So that was my mini haul for today. I will be posting later on when my new brushes arrive!
Mac Mineralize Skinfinish Powder
Fall 09' Eyeshadow Quad
Monday, August 10, 2009
Sigma Brush Roll Kit!!!

Thursday, August 6, 2009
I'm Back!
I was at the counter buying this mascara and the sales associate set me up with a Beauty Insider card. This is a great program they have because you earn points for your purchases. For every dollar you spend you get a point. The points go onto your card and eventually when you get to 100 points (which is just $100 that you need to spend!) you will get a free sample from what ever they're offering at that time. If you look around at their website you can see they offer eyeshadow duos and various other products which look really nice. So I will be working toward that and update you on any new products that I buy and love! The website is also great and you can search for mostly anything!
Upcoming: I will post on the new Mac products that I just purchased.
Question/Comments: I need to find an eyeshadow primer so my eyeshadow colors will stay and show up brighter when I apply. Does anyone have any good products they are using?